Hike #3: Stegosaurus Scramble

The hiking bug has bitten after our first two outings, and I resolve to find something nearby and uncrowded to entertain us on a sunny Saturday on August. I elect to try out the short trail to Stegosaurus Butte , which branches off the Middle Fork Snoqualmie Trail just south of the trailhead. We're getting used to hiking in the time of COVID, but on weekends it's certainly more enjoyable to hike on lesser-used trails to avoid hassle with masking on and off. This hike is rated as steep but short. Kyra and Jeannie join me for the adventure today. We cross over the iconic Gateway Bridge and turn right on the Middle Fork Trail. Families are playing in the river below - this time of year it's quite gentle and has lots of nice spots to enjoy. The Middle Fork Trail is lovely year-round, and is always a study in mosses, ferns, and other rainforest scenery. This section of the trail south of the bridge has been extended 2.5 miles to the Pratt River, providing easy acces...