Hike #15: Rainy Lake Recon

It's mid December and the sunshine can be hard to come by this time of year. I decide to take advantage of a predicted 6-8 hour dry period to do some more reconnaissance work in the Middle Fork. It's a toss-up between the Marten Lake Trail and the Rainy Lake Trail. The former is shorter and about 800' less elevation gain, but I already hiked most of it on my recent Otter Falls hike . So, I decide the Rainy Lake Trail is my route today. I'm not optimistic about reaching the lake, which is at about 3800' of elevation, but I'm really curious if the trail is as difficult as I've read in a few trip reports. The entire hike and surrounding mountains are fully forested, so there is no avalanche danger in this area. The rain is supposed to arrive before 1:00 PM, so I get an early start (for me anyway!) at about 8:15 AM from the Middle Fork Trailhead. I cross over the Gateway Bridge and wonder at the immense volume of the Middle Fork Snoqualmie today - all...