Hike #25: Do You Feel Lucky, Punk?

It's been a few days since my last hike and I need to get out and put in some solid work. It's rainy and cloudy, but that's to be expected this time of year. In an unofficial effort to hike all the nearby trails I've never visited, I choose the Dirty Harry's Peak Trail. About a third of the way up to the peak is a popular viewpoint called Dirty Harry's Balcony. According to the WTA , the peak was named by Harvey Manning (some sources say Ira Spring) after local logger Harry Gault, who was extremely thorough in logging this mountain, to the chagrin of the hiking community, I surmise. The peak itself rises just above Granite Lakes , and is at the eastern end of the ridge containing Mailbox Peak and Dirtybox Peak. Since I've gotten a late start, my plan is to reach Dirty Harry's Balcony and then continue upward until I'm turned around by snow or lack of time. I head through the woods for a minute or two before cro...